Cerne Abbey Relics Survey

Tell us about your Cerne Abbey Finds

We are launching an important survey to locate and log each Abbey find which will give us valuable information in our quest
to Find the Lost Cerne Abbey.
Many buildings in Cerne have artefacts suspected of having been retrieved from the ruins of Cerne Abbey after the Dissolution. You may be unaware that you have archaeological treasures in your garden.
Please help us locate, log and study these items. 
We are not asking you to donate them!

What do we hope
to find?

Pieces of masonry from the Abbey Church and other buildings including:

  • Window mullion or sill pieces
  • Hamstone lintels or mouldings
  • Limestone blocks reused in modern buildings
  • Ornamentation used over doorways or arches
  • Floor or roof tile sherds
  • Pieces of pillars, pediments or columns
  • Fragments of effigies, gargoyles etc.