CHS YouTube

Cerne Historical Society’s YouTube Channel

We use YouTube as a repository for our audio visual material.

Please check back as more media may have been added.

Patricia Vale: CHS interview at home by Helen Hewitt 2018.  Patricia is a long time resident of Cerne and founder member of the CHS. She recounts here, some of the important events during her long life.

Cerne Abbey Dig 24 : Hugh Willmott: The Search for Cerne Abbey talk, on 6th August 2024  The University of Sheffield returns for a second year to uncover more fascinating history of the Cerne Abbey.  This film details his 2024 debrief to members of the CHS and the public. AWAITING FINAL EDIT

Cerne Abbey Dig 23 : Video (6) Hugh Willmott of Sheffield University and American assistant Chuck explain the progress made so far on the dig.

Cerne Abbey Dig 23 : Video (4) The students of Sheffield University prepare to start the Abbey Dig July 2023, with Hugh Willmott, senior lecturer.

Cerne Abbey Dig 23 : Video (2) The Procession and Blessing of the 2023 Abbey Dig with Sheffield University by the Diocesan Bishop and the Vicar of Cerne.

Cerne Abbey Dig 23 : Video (1). The Church display for the Abbey Dig with Sheffield University.  Shown here are the display posters in situ in St Mary’s Cerne, designed and assembled by various members of the CHS Committee for the use of visitors during the 2023 Dig.

Cerne Abbey Symposium 24th February 2022 Cerne Abbey: Where was it?  What did it look like? A Symposium to summarise recent Society research, present concrete evidence, offer conjecture and explain current theories.  It is presented by members of the CHS Abbey Research Group.

Look What’s Brewing in Dorset.  A film by ex TV filmaker Dave Knowles in which CHS’s Robin Mills introduces the background to Brewing in Cerne and Vic Irvine explains the story of Cerne Brewery and the basic process of brewing.

A Remnant of a Feudal Society.  A perspective  of rural life in a Country Estate in Dorset across two eras, using original family footage from the 1920s. Lord Digby and members of his retired staff are interviewed in 1970 in this restored footage made by and  broadcast by the BBC in that year.

1919 Village Sale Re-Enactment Full Length Gary Batt gives a very entertaining performance as the Auctioneer in Helen Hewitt’s production of the Sale of the Century, September 2019 in Cerne Abbas church, to mark the centenary of the sale of the village by the Pitt-Rivers Estate to pay for death duties.

1919 Village Sale Re-enactment (Short) An edited version of the above.

 Dave Fox – Video 1 Local retired builder, wit and raconteur. Born in the village to a large local family, Dave recalls some of his life experiences.

A Tale of Cerne – Production video – Aug 1987 An amateur video of Cerne’s own epic production to mark the Millenium of the founding of the the Benedictine Abbey of  Cerne Abbas in 987AD.

Mike Collins carpenter, allotmenteer and family man.

Tommy Dunn village butcher, Cerne property developer and collector of village memorabilia.

Paul Fancy: Tyneham This is the supporting video to the talk given by Range Warden Paul Fancy on 23 Feb 2017. Paul has built up a considerable knowledge and has become emotionally connected with the place. There is now only being a handful of people alive who lived in the Tyneham area prior to 1943 when the MOD evacuated the village prior to the requisition of neighbouring heathland as wartime Ranges.  It has been MOD property ever since.  The villagers are unlikely ever to return.

Away in a Village.  Originally broadcast by the BBC in 1974, this documentary follows the pattern of  village life in Cerne as Christmas draws near.

Lord Digby talks here to local resident Kate Adie about the Minterne House and the history of the Digby family which can be traced back in an unbroken line to 111 BC.  He speaks of some of the famous family connections and colourful and influential figures who made their mark upon history.

Mione Fox, a lifelong Cerne resident, talks to Jonathan Still about her life  in the village in this, a taster of the film soon to be seen at the Historical Society.

Hugh Mumford was vicar in the Parish from 1969 to 1989 and is fondly remembered.  Here, he talks to Jonathan Still, the present incumbent, about what drew him to Cerne, his time in the village and the changes he saw.

Betty Marsh who was born in the village and educated at Minterne and Cerne schools recounts her early years and fascinating experiences.

Freddie Nurse, a longtime Cerne resident, talks to John Paterson about her life in India and how inportant Music has been in her life.

David Forrester gave a very worthwhile illustrated talk in September 2016 on the History of Fordington.  A recording of his talk together with selected slides.

Graham Clark from New Zealand visited Cerne in the Summer of 2016 for his family reunion.  Helen, Mike and Andrew picked his brains about the methodology of his extensive research into his family history that he has carried out during the last 30 years, which includes his family’s dwelling places in Cerne and all the associated fascinating historical insights.  The audio recording may be heard here.  A printable INDEX to access specific parts by time for the recording, may be downloaded here.

Prof John Bourne’s powerful and well received lecture on “The Somme, ‘Black Saturday’ 1 July 1916”, which was recorded by the Society on 30 June 2016 is available here.  He makes reference to a map shown to members to illustrate his talk.  The map may be downloaded here.

Will Best’s tremendous illustrated talk on on the local abandoned farmstead Bushes Bottom near Godmanstone was recorded live on 26 May 2016 and is available by way of an audio recording with visual aids here.

Frank Hamblin, Local Post Office manager,  was recently asked to give a talk in the village hall about his Career in the PO.  His talk may be heard here as an audio recording.